
Long-term urinary catheterization can have an important role to play in the management of many client conditions, including those who have intractable problems relating to bladder control that are not manageable by other interventions.

Urinary catheterisation is a common healthcare intervention used to manage urinary dysfunction that poses serious associated risks and complications.  We use risk assessment and best practice strategies to identify clients at high risk for infections or blockage and offer a higher level of monitoring and management.

Catheters are rarely trouble free, we review all clients on an individual basis and have  proactive, planned catheter changes tailored to the individual.  As the technology and design of catheter systems evolve over time, so too has the care and management involved with catheterisation.  To ensure the best client outcomes and minimal complications, our clinical nurse consultants stay informed with their professional development and literature around catheter care.

We are experienced in bladder scanning and catheter maintenance irrigation solutions which assist with mechanical rinsing and microbial management.