

The start of a new year is the perfect time to make a refreshing change in your life. Not sure where to start, we suggest 3 goal ideas.

1. Connect with people in my community
Loneliness can really bring people down and if you think you need to connect with more people, making a goal to meet new people is a good idea. You can do this by checking out what groups your local council has, or join community groups. You could find a games group because you love playing games. Or maybe you want to find a reading group because you love reading books. It can be scary to get out and meet people for the first time, but chances are that if you’re going to a group on something you’re interested in, you’ll always have something to connect on. Also have a look on which positive Facebook groups are out there, that’s a fun and easy way to connect with people online.

2. I would like to increase my fitness
Maybe your goal can be to get fit and no matter what type of body you have everyone can learn to get fitter, stronger and healthier. You can go to the gym with some friends who will motivate you, you could do wheelchair yoga or ask your occupational therapist (if you have one) for some new exercise ideas. Or maybe you want to walk more around your community by either taking your dog or take a friend or even take part in a walking group. Also, always be mindful with what food you’re putting into your belly as good healthy food will make you feel good too!

3. I would like to feel happier
We all want to feel happy right? Well, one of the easiest ways to do this is simply by changing the way you think. There is always a positive in everything, you just have to dig deeper to find it.

Motivational poster on disability. Hand drawn lettering.

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