
Study Finds Dementia Patients Need More Home-Based Medical Care

Moving from home to a residential care facility can be a difficult transition for older adults. But for those with dementia, leaving the familiar surroundings of home often proves to be especially challenging.

A recent study by researchers at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) provides insight into the health and wellness of people with dementia who live at home versus those who live in residential care facilities. The study also points to the critical need for home-based medical care for older adults living at home with dementia.

A total of 728 adults age 65 and older met the criteria of having impairment with at least one of the activities of daily living ( dressing, bathing and toileting) as well as difficulty with one of two cognitive-oriented instrumental activities: managing their medications or finances. Within the cohort, 64% received care at home, 19% in residential care and 17% in a nursing facility.
People Living at Home With Dementia Had More Issues
The study showed that older adults with moderately severe dementia who lived at home had more medical needs; 71% reported bothersome pain compared with 60% in residential care and 59% in nursing homes. They also had a higher incidence of falls or concerns about falls, breathing problems and anxiety.

The UCSF study’s results point to the need for home-based medical care for older adults with dementia who are living at home.

September is World Alzheimers Month

There is no cure for dementia but keeping active, eating well and engaging in social activities all promote good brain health, and may reduce your risk of developing the disease. Keeping your heart healthy, including by avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, can also lower your risk of dementia.

It seems that people who keep their brains active may be at less risk of developing dementia. Reading, engaging in a hobby such as playing bridge or chess, or doing crosswords and word puzzles may help to reduce risk. You do not need to be highly educated to lower your risk: research suggests that those who speak multiple languages, or who play musical instruments may also be at a lower risk of dementia.


It started innocently enough – a leak here and there. My doctor said it was due to prostate problems and gave me some medication to help. It did for a while, but then the leaks flared up again and I was forced to admit that this problem was not going away.
My first trip to the grocery store to purchase incontinence pads was a doozy. Standing there, looking at the wall of options was so intimidating. What do I choose? What size? How do I know it will fit? What if it doesn’t – can I return the bag? I had so many questions and no one to ask – after all, it’s not like men just talk about peeing their pants with each other all the time. Not to mention I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure that no one I knew saw me standing there. It would be so embarrassing to be “caught” in this situation.
When I finally got home, I started trying out the various absorbent products that I had purchased. I had bought 3 different types and gave each one a fair shot for a full day before making the call. Unfortunately none of them worked so I was back to the drawing board.
Fortunately, my wife found a company online that sold different products so I gave it a shot. I don’t know why I didn’t start with this option in the first place. They offered a free consultation so I gave them a call. The rep was so helpful and it was great having a guide to walk me through the different options, and also learn more about me, my condition and my lifestyle to help find something that would work best for me.
These days, I only use online services to order absorbent products. And, I’ve found great products that help me keep my leaks controlled, and my condition under wraps so no one is the wiser.
I still don’t love having incontinence, but it’s become such a normal part of life now that it doesn’t have the same hold on me as it once did. I didn’t envision this happening to me, but am happy to know that there are resources out there to help and products available that can make it more manageable. I feel free to live my life without fear of leaks and that is something to be really proud of.
Larry, Brisbane, QLD

Management of Diabetes at School

Finding the Best Written Care Plan for Your Child
School-age children spend about half their waking hours at school, and children with diabetes are no different. Since children can’t leave their diabetes at home when they go to school, having a plan — preferably a written plan — is necessary for managing their diabetes while they’re at school.
Such a plan should be individualized and should cover a child’s daily diabetes care as well as provide instructions for handling problems, emergencies, and any unusual situations that may arise during the school day. Copies of the plan should be kept at school where teachers and other school personnel, such as the nurse, can access it easily.

One way to lay out your child’s diabetes management needs in school is the use of a Diabetes Management Plan. This gives instructions for managing your child’s diabetes and provides guidance for handling emergencies. In many cases, putting together a plan and discussing it with teachers and other school staff are sufficient to make sure your child’s diabetes-related needs are met during school hours.

Fast fact about constipation?

The slower the food moves through the digestive tract, the more water the colon will absorb from it. Consequently, the faeces become dry and hard.
When this happens, emptying the bowels can become very painful.

Here are some key points about constipation.
• Constipation generally occurs because too much water is absorbed from food
• Causes of constipation include physical inactivity, certain medications, and ageing
• Some cases of constipation can be relieved by lifestyle changes
• Laxatives should only be used as a last resort

Did you know that constipation is a leading cause of most urinary problems, fix the constipation and most urinary problems can be resolved!